
This documentation is for a work currently in progress and medjs 1.0 is not yet released.


The medjs.healthData object helps to encode and decode the health data as MHD format.

var HealthData = require('medjs').healthData;
// Instead, you can import from medjs like below.
// var Medjs = require('medjs');
// var medjs = Medjs.init(['http://localhost:9921']);
// var HealthData = medjs.healthData;


You can test the library by running the MediBloc blockchain on a local machine as Testnet or Mainnet are not yet launched. Please refer to go-medibloc to run MediBloc blockchain on a local machine.

MediBloc Health Data(MHD) Format

Offset Bytes Description
0 4 magic number(=0x004d4844)
4 2 protocol version
6 2
type code
( unknown: 0, medical-fhir: 1,
claim-fhir: 2, dicom: 3, … )
8 2
subtype code of each type
( for medical-fhir type,
null: 0, patient: 1,
observation: 2, … )
10 32 hash of the encoded health data
42 6 encoded health data size(m)
48 m encoded health data

We defined the MediBloc Health Data(MHD) format like above. More types of health data and its subtype will be supported.

User should upload the hash of the encoded health data to the MediBloc blockchain. By storing or transferring the health data as MHD type, it is easy to handle the health data with the blockchain.


This format can be changed.



Returns decoded health data.


data - Buffer|Uint8Array: The MHD format health data.


Promise returns Object - The JSON object of the health data.


var data = fs.readFileSync('/file/path');
> <Buffer 00 4d 48 44 00 00 00 01 00 02 eb 36 d0 60 6f f8 4b ba 5a e8 4e 2a f0 f2 19 7b 2f f4 27 2c 3d 22 c4 6f fa 27 ca 17 85 1c ea 7f 00 00 00 00 01 15 0a 05 ... >

> {
    status: 'final',
    category: [ { coding: [Array] } ],
    code: { coding: [ [Object], [Object] ] },
    resourceType: 'Observation',
    effectiveDateTime: '2017-05-15',
    id: 'f101',
    context: { reference: 'Encounter/f100' },
    subject: { reference: 'Patient/f100' },
    { code: 'kg',
      unit: 'kg',
      value: 78,
      system: '' } }



Returns decoded health data from the file path.


filePath - String: The path of the MHD format file to read.


Promise returns Object - The JSON object of the health data.


> {
  status: 'final',
  category: [ { coding: [Array] } ],
  code: { coding: [ [Object], [Object] ] },
  resourceType: 'Observation',
  effectiveDateTime: '2017-05-15',
  id: 'f101',
  context: { reference: 'Encounter/f100' },
  subject: { reference: 'Patient/f100' },
  { code: 'kg',
    unit: 'kg',
    value: 78,
    system: '' } }


HealthData.encodeData(data, type, subType)

Returns encoded Buffer|Uint8Array object as MHD format of the health data.


  1. data - Object|Uint8Array|Buffer: The health data to encode.
  2. type - String: The type of the health data.
  3. subType - String:(optional) The subtype of the health data.


Promise returns Buffer|Uint8Array - The MHD format object of the health data.


var data = {
  resourceType: 'Observation',
  id: 'f101',
  status: 'final',
  category: [
    coding: [
      system: '',
      code: 'vital-signs',
      display: 'Vital Signs',

HealthData.encodeData(data, 'medical-fhir', 'observation')
> {
  <Buffer 00 4d 48 44 00 00 00 01 00 02 eb 36 d0 60 6f f8 4b ba 5a e8 4e 2a f0 f2 19 7b 2f f4 27 2c 3d 22 c4 6f fa 27 ca 17 85 1c ea 7f 00 00 00 00 01 15 0a 05 ... >


HealthData.encodeDataFromFile(filePath, type, subType)

Returns encoded Buffer|Uint8Array object as MHD format object of the health data reading from the file path.


  1. filePath - String: The path of the file to read.
  2. type - String: The type of the health data.
  3. subType - String:(optional) The subtype of the health data.


Promise returns Buffer|Uint8Array - The MHD format object of the health data.


HealthData.encodeDataFromFile('/file/path', 'medical-fhir', 'observation')
> {
  <Buffer 00 4d 48 44 00 00 00 01 00 02 eb 36 d0 60 6f f8 4b ba 5a e8 4e 2a f0 f2 19 7b 2f f4 27 2c 3d 22 c4 6f fa 27 ca 17 85 1c ea 7f 00 00 00 00 01 15 0a 05 ... >


HealthData.hashData(data, type, subType)

Returns the hash String of the health data.


  1. data - Object|Uint8Array|Buffer: The health data to encode.
  2. type - String: The type of the health data.
  3. subType - String:(optional) The subtype of the health data.


Promise returns String - The hash of the health data.


var data = {
  resourceType: 'Observation',
  id: 'f101',
  status: 'final',
  category: [
    coding: [
      system: '',
      code: 'vital-signs',
      display: 'Vital Signs',

HealthData.hashData(data, 'medical-fhir', 'observation')
> {


HealthData.hashDataFromFile(filePath, type, subType)

Returns the hash String of the health data reading from the file path.


  1. filePath - String: The path of the file to read.
  2. type - String: The type of the health data.
  3. subType - String:(optional) The subtype of the health data.


Promise returns String - The hash of the health data.


HealthData.hashDataFromFile('/file/path', 'medical-fhir', 'observation')
> {